Lumnitzera racemosa  Willd.

Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. 

Evergreen tree, height upto 10 m. deliquiscent and diffused, erect and much branched 
Pneumatophores occasionally developed as looping lateral roots 
Leaf simple cyclic or alternate, exstipulate, petiolate, apex rounded to emarginate, flattened, green , glabrous, pulvinous, 
Lamina subulate, entire or slightly wavy, obtuse or slightly notched in apex, green, dorsiventral, unicostate, reticulate venation, vein inconspicuously present. 
Inflorescence spike, 2-3 cm long, terminal or axillary 
Flowers pedicellate, pedicel short, bracteate, ovate, entire, acute, green, coriaceous, hermophrodite, actinimorphic, complete, erect, pentamerous, epigynous. 
Sepals 5, gamosepalous, forming a tube like structure, from the base to half portion of calyx tube 
Petals 5, polypetalous, oblong lanceolate, entire, acute, white, coriaceous, deciduous, superior, imbricate, alternate to sepals 
Stamens 10, free, arranged in  two whorls, 5 stamens develop at the base of petal and other 5 stamens at the base of the sepal teeth 
Filament 0.5 cm in length, basifixed, round, soft, white, anther bilobed, extrose, exerted, superior 
Carpels 1, ovary inferior, 1.0 cm long, one chambered, 3 ovules, hanging from upper end of the ovarian chamber, style one terminal, white, gradually tapering , glabrous, soft, stigma absent. 
Fruit 1 seeded oblong ovoid, 1-2 cm long , yellowish green in colour, glossy surface, vase-shaped with hard corky coa, buoyant, dispersed by current.. 
Seed germination hypogeal or modified epigeal 

Evergreen tree, 20 m tall, fibrous fissured bark, with spreading branches 
Pneumatophores occasionally developed as looping lateral roots 
Leaves spirally arranged, leaf blades hairy, when young, cordate at the top of the branches, oblong obovate or oblanceolate, fleshy 
Flowers in dense terminal and axillary spike, 1-2 cm, white, sessile actinomorphic. 
Fruit 1 seeded oblong ovoid, 1-2 cm long with hard coat. 
Seed germination hypogeal or modified epigeal 

Economic Importance :Stem bark contains 19% tannin, stem juice is said ti be useful for herpes and itches.